Welcome to KFCMan's Website

Yes it's the one you're currently on
KFCMan Wave


This is my website!


Now what.

I don’t know what to put in here. I suppose I can give you some things about myself:


  • As of Jun [[30th, 2024]], I am 18 years old
  • I’m from Mexico and proud to be a jarocho
  • I learnt English from way too many Minecraft parody songs
    • I do mean, way too many
      • So much so that my youtube feed is permanently english flavored.
  • Mega Man nerd (only for classic & Battle Network saga tho)
  • Christian :)

Futher questioning can be made in the about me section.

Also here’s a button I made:

KFCMan's Website 88x31 Button
<a href="https://kunfucutsman.neocities.org/" target="_blank">
    <img src="/images/88x31 button.png" alt="KFCMan's Website 88x31 Button">

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