About Me

Well, hello! I’m Kun Fu Cuts Man (or KFCMan for short)
As of writing this I am an 18 year old from Mexico who wants to be a Mechatronics Engineer.

FAQs that I thought you would ask, in no particular order

Why is your username KunFuCutsMan?

So around 2019 I joined the Mega Man Maker community; back then most common comunication method were the now extint forums, therefore little me thought I needed a new cool username for being there.

I wanted to have a username that would be a pun on whatever avatar I would use, and my first username was… [drumroll please] Lil’ Pump Man. Yeah it wasn’t great. I wanted to have an avatar of a tiny Pump Man from Mega Man 10 next to a normal sized Rockman. And because I needed to also make the avatar I needed to accompany this joke username, it wasn’t worth it.

After watching a video from Vinesauce, I got the idea of my current username: Kun Fu Cuts Man!

My first avatar as KunFuCutsMan. I didn't even bother editing this.

…Also the short version of my username is KFCMan. The association with the food brand was not intentional and it was only noticed thanks to someone on the community.

What are your hobbies?

Well since you’ve asked:

Why Christianity?

Ok so get ready for some backstory:

I went to a catholic elementary school from 4th to 9th grade (due to economic reasons they were the cheapest we could afford at the moment; they were part of a pious school system whose vision was to provide education to poor families, so thanks catholism!). I didn’t really engaged in the church gatherings they would do about every 6 months (and it was always about Job 1!); I more or less felt agnostic about the whole religion thing.

Then around when I entered high school my mom got invited to a house meeting and she became a christian, and a few weeks later my sister did. I, of course, was the latest to join in. It took me some weeks to even join the house meeting. I just simply stayed there and passed the time and didn’t engage with what they were doing.

Six months later and we’re hosting house meetings every friday, so that means I’m not escaping from going to what I believed was some boring time :))). One time while I was half-hearing what was being preached, I was feeling sleepy when I suddenly heard a voice clearly saying to me “Acts. 11. 9.”

I was in fact, very scared by the voice, freaked out I looked up the passage in the bible I was holding and found:

The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ Acts 11 NIV

And that was the tipping point on my conversion story. It wasn’t sudden at first, but the first seeds of Christianity were planted.

For the following six months I started watching youtube videos about Christianity, especifically about its veracity on what it teaches and what its bases are for starting. Channels like Mike Winger, InspiringPhilosophy, The Beat and Mellisa Dougherty’s helped to understand that the cause of this faith is true and actually did happen! Do you know how much evidence there is??? IT’S TOO MUCH!!! From archeological, philosophical to historical sources, everything you can think of is covered!

For a 50 minute summary of archealogical evidence for the ressurrection of Christ refer to this video, and for a general overview series checkout this playlist.

yes I am using plenty of links in this site and you can’t stop me :)

About six months later I finally got the courage to accept Christ, I still remember the day I did, as I was sitting in the right section of my church when the calling for salvation got called.

It’s been one funky journey ever since, but that’s outside of the scope of this QnA