Mechatronics' third semester is all about vectors




Today I wanted to write about something simple and quick, as I have some time on my schedule to write something. It may not be as note worthy as what I’d like to write about, but hey! This is my website and I can do whatever I want >:D

So anyway, as stated in my About Me page I am currently taking a Mechatronics Degree, and as of writing I’m at my third semester 🥳🥳🥳

Last year it was all about adapting to the new college life; I could probably write all about it sometime later, but for the sake of getting something out there, I’ll leave it up to future me. TLDR it was my first time having school-related activities in the afternoon, then last semester was all about staying in campus and learning new ways to entertain myself with all the free time.

Back to the topic at hand.

Today I have a great schedule, actually! I go from 8am and stay up to 4pm, and I have fridays for free! (Except the 8am class) This great schedule is then counter balanced by what have been possibly my biggest homework churn I’ve ever experienced. Let me explain.

My statics teacher, who I’ll refer to as Ms. Castro, left us tons of excercises last week for us to do due yesterday, and she hasn’t explained us well how to do them (or at least didn’t have the patience to do) ; our class took almost all the our to go through our first excercise that would help us as a guide for later, so for a week we were almost clueless on what to do.

Through practice I managed to sorta understand them, and through my free time I’ve managed to finish all of them in four days, non-stop. I am aware that some of them are wrong (I got negative cuantities of force, which shouldn’t exist anywhere) but I got better while doing them, so that’s good :)

That also excludes the project and presentation we have to do due October with the only revision being due yesterday, that meant my team and I had to something while solving all those problems. You see now the problem? Thankfully I had finished everything by thursday, but my classmates… well they weren’t so organized as me.

So as I write my part of the project + slides, they were doing their own thing and by the weekend I had to wait for them and check up on what they needed. I understand that most people have different schedules and therefore different time opportunities, but still, I was anxious about having to present something to Ms. Castro.

In the end she didn’t came to class, and sent one of the boys from social service to give some excersises to work on, but hey now we know how to solve them! Sort of… I had to explain one of the problems to a classmate and didn’t get enough time to solve myself, oh well :p

Anyway I have to go now, I’m writing this post entry in the library with an internet that got fixed a few days ago (forgot to ramble about it, sorry), so cya later internet fellow! Off to Ms. Castro’s class!