Anyway just wanted to make a quick announcement…
I was born on October 5th, 2005, that was 19 years ago, therefore I’m 19 now!
That’s all I wanted to say.
I suppose I should tell you what I’m doing for my b-day:
That’s right! Nothing!
Actually there’s more to it. As a university student I get a lot homework; see my post regarding what my current semester is like; and THIS exact weekend I need to deliver a total of 39 statics excersises in a folder, so as I’m writing this I’m passing them on clean sheets of paper.
Thankfully I had all of them finished a week ago, so I’m only transcribing them whilst looking for errors I made on my first run.
Later in the night my family is going to share a moka chocolate cake with me that we bought at noon, nothing too fancy since I had homework to do. My mom also bought me a pair shirts and new shoes on the way there, so that’s nice. (They’re not books but eh beggers can’t be choosers)
Tomorrow after our church service we’re going to a shrimp buffet, where the real party will start. Hence why I’m doing my best to finish transcribing these excersises before tomorrow; because I still need to finish writing a document for vectorial calculus and I plan to do it in the afternoon before going to sleep.
I should probably stop procrasting; see you next time unknown reader!