You get online and the world forms ‘round you
It’s been a while, haven’t played sincepoint 2xbox 360 edition, TU43!
You break a smile, ‘cause you’ve almost forgot to mine
It’s just been such a long time!
I’m all alone… Asking!
How do I craft this again? (Oh oh oh oh)
How do I craft this again? (Oh oh oh oh)
I wanna know… How do I craft this again?! How do I craft this again?
Fun fact!
I was a minecraft kid! Shockers!
Yesterday I downloaded TLauncher. Why? Because I wanted to.
Honestly I didn’t know it was that easy to download Minecraft, I believed it had you had to pay like any other game, but no! Launchers are free to use!
So after setting up my account and submitting a skin I made months earlier, I present to you…
KFCMan’s First Day in Minecraft 1.21.4
I downloaded the latest version with Optifine (because I do not wanna turn my laptop into an electric furnace) and quickly checked the default controls. They were surprisingly good to use despite me being left-handed (I had to switch to a right-side mouse to play, obviously)
I then created a new world in survival normal mode, and called it “Mundo Nuevo”
I spawned on a birch tree next to this cool waterfall which you will now see in the following screenshot:
Thank Mojang they added the recipe book, it’s probably the best feature they’ve added (even though it was in consoles first but who cares)
I gathered some basic materials, made a wood pickaxe and axe, and found a nearby cave where I mined my first coals. It didn’t have many things, it was half flooded and my axe broke when fighting two zombies which spawned there.
I also found the world’s smallest jungle.
The mining endeavor took me almost all ingame day and soon, it was evening. Seeing as I hadn’t found any sheep I did the long millenial tradition of…
Temporal Cave Shelters
And that’s where I left off my minecraft session because I had to help my mom with printing some images
Once I play again I may turn these posts into a series catalouging my experiences in my first (java) world
That’s it for today. Good Night!