KFCMan Enters the Iron Age



Hey guess what!

I’m still playing Minecraft!

And I have died. A lot. Mainly because I needed iron to pass to the next stage of the game, but the caves that were nearby needed shields and armor for me to get to them.

So a lot has happened.


That big cave which I talked about
That big cave which I talked about

Broken nether portal
Broken nether portal

Spider Spawner, excavated and illuminated for later use
Spider Spawner, excavated and illuminated for later use

On the portal I found a clock which I later lost in another mining session, but its presence will be remembered. On the way there I also found some iron.

The first iron vein I found
The first iron vein I found

Which I then used for a pickaxe. Which I lost in a mining session.

Fun fact: All the times I had lost my stuff was because of skeletons. Thank Mojang for adding shields.

Back to the present

So after loosing all my stuff like three times I decided I had to take a break from mining and focus on another stuff, like…

Building my base!

From my previous minecraft adventure post, I’ve been living under a rock, litterally. So I decided to do some base building in the mean time.

From the nearby savannah (which is actually just the next biome over, I can access it easily by paddiling on the river) I had found another mine and other stuff.

The savannah biome had this crack thing, and behind me a mountain which has a hole that leads underground
The savannah biome had this crack thing, and behind me a mountain which has a hole that leads underground

I brought some chickens from there and made myself a pen for them.

The chickens in question and their new born son
The chickens in question and their new born son

Right now their children are supplying me with tons of eggs, feathers for arrows and meat.

Since I needed food, I made some chinampas where I could grow beetroot, pumpkins, melons and wheat on the river in front of my base.

A pumpkin pie lying on the grass, and some chalumpas in the background
A pumpkin pie lying on the grass, and some chalumpas in the background

It took a while for the stuff to grow, since I had only started with whatever I had found from the spider spawner from earlier, but now I have a nice supply of food.

Collecting some sugar cane from the river and conbining it with the pumpkin & melon chinampa I also have a steady supply of pumkin pies on my base.

Not the bees!
Not the bees!

And because I had a plantation of trees in my backyard, and a bed of flowers next to it, one of the trees decided to grow with a honeycomb next to it.

So I can’t cut that tree anymore or the bees will get angry at me.

From the last tab you also see that I got enough iron to get myself a shield. I now feel a lot safer when traveling, because any arrows from skeletons can be easily deflected >:)

And that’s everything I’ve done so far. There are other things like a small bridge, and some plans for moving my base to something more official to a grove, so I’ll leave you with something that I haven’t done since my first post.


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% River border                  T Mountain
@ KFCMan's base                 V Jungle
t Hills and mild variations     S spider spawner
. underground section           L Lava lake
/ cave entrance                 N Broken Nether
v Savannah                        portal